A solution to cleaning up the plastic waste in our oceans?

Ocean waste contamination is a worrying issue which we all feel very concerned about here at OAT. Figures on ocean waste are so high that it is hard to grasp an idea of the magnitude of it all and what it actually represents to the wellbeing of these great ecosystems we call oceans. The incredible pictures taken by Chris Jordan of poisoned birds say it all, and it doesn’t help to feel guilty or get upset about it.


However,  19 year old Boyan Slat might have a plan to solve a good chunk of the problem, and here it is: solar-powered boats with onboard processing plants for plastic waste. Working in teams, these oceangoing trash-converters would be strategically placed around garbage patches where tonnes of  plastic waste gathers so densely that it forms veritable plastic islands.


Working around the clock, these unseen, sun-powered sea-craft would go, quietly but efficiently, about their task of scooping up all that plastic waste, brought together  by oceanic currents, and convert it into recycled plastic.


So, apart from not only helping to protect and clean up our oceans, this clever project would also be highly profitable. Now that’s good news!

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