Living in the now

Things haven’t gone your way lately, perhaps you’ve been working too much or too little, or you’ve lost it, just like that, leaving you disorientated, without a purpose, anxious about the future. Perhaps the problems come from home, an unpleasant argument, differences that knock your friendships off balance. Could be something vaguer, something that leaves you dissatisfied, as if your life wasn’t complete. Sometimes you feel as if you’re not the captain of your ship. Little or big problems that cross your path taking your time up, space on your hard disk, permanent and persistent just like the sediments in the bottom of a lake, waiting for a subtle current to stir it up and bring them to the surface. No matter how hard you try, you aren’t able to block them out. There are always there, stuck to you like the smell of tobacco on your clothes. You try to shake them off, but the brain is like a two sided coin; it can take you to glory, the highest point of happiness, but it can also drown you in the mud or simply go on and on without a rest.


Meñakoz 1 Xabi
Deep in the now!

Anguish is all over you, camping in your brain like a sponging relative in your living room, showing up at the worst moments, until SHE appears and suddenly everything else disappears. SHE comes from far away and by chance SHE comes directly at you. In that instant there’s no one else in her life and no one in yours. Thoughts of mortgages, mean bosses, unemployment, arguments with your loved-ones, predicaments at the end of the month, delay on the rent, unpaid debts, car insurance, underlying doubts, everything vanishes and for an eternal second SHE is the only thing in life. Taller than you, SHE approaches with decision, not doubt, SHE knows what SHE wants and you do too. SHE is all curves and generous in her dedication, you spin around, lay on your board and stroke with the power that the search of happiness gives. Hands through the water, propelling you with each stroke, all your body synchronized with just one purpose, until you notice SHE picks you up in her bosom and makes you hers and now SHE and you are one. SHE comes to free you from your anguishes, even if it’s only for a short time. SHE comes to make you happy, no half truths, naked, just as SHE is. And for a brief moment it seems everything stops, you don’t hear anything, nothing distracts you, it’s like time has frozen, the mind is clear, everything is pristine, you absorb even the subtlest details without being aware of it, the roughness of the surface, the curve, the base, the union with the transition, the line that lays ahead, the nose of your board that sets your line, the rail that digs in the water when you start to turn, the sun’s rays that pierce the face of the wave turning it into a water stained-glass window in movement.

Magic moment

During this short period of time that this romance lasts, your whole body and mind is focussed on being happy, in coming and going, going up and down, on gaining speed to fulfill yourself. Through your eyes, your feet, your whole body, you receive hundreds of stimulus that make your muscles and brain react in an instant, adapting to her movements. Her ever changing color scheme indicate you her mood. And during that moment, everything has sense, everything shines brighter and everything’s clear cut, there are no doubts, anxieties or worries, only you and her. You live the purest present that you can experience. And when finally you separate, SHE takes away part of you and you part of her.
Then and only then you are aware of what you’ve experienced, of what has just happened, you feel empty and full at the same time, satisfied, almost enlightened, you are pure joy, pure positive energy, a happy human being.

Pura vida.
Eduardo Sáenz de Amilibia

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